

Since connections to the Hopskotch server require authentication, there are several utilities exposed to generate and provide credentials for both the CLI and python API. hop configure provides command line options to generate a configuration file with proper credentials needed to authenticate.

In order to generate a configuration file, one can run hop configure setup, which prompts the user for a username and password to connect to Hopskotch to publish or subscribe to messages. If you have the credentials csv file, you can use it in the configuration file generation as hop configure setup --import <CREDENTIALS_FILE>

The default location for the configuration file can be found with hop configure locate, which points by default to ${HOME}/.config/hop/config.toml, but can be configured by setting the XDG_CONFIG_PATH variable.

Using Credentials

Authentication is enabled by default and will read credentials from the path resolved by hop configure locate.

For the python API, one can modify various authentication options by passing in an Auth instance with credentials to a Stream instance. This provides a similar interface to authenticating as with the requests library.

from hop import Stream
from hop.auth import Auth

auth = Auth("my-username", "my-password")
stream = Stream(auth=auth)

with"kafka://hostname:port/topic", "w") as s:
    s.write({"my": "message"})

In order to disable authentication in the command line interface, you can pass --no-auth for various CLI commands. For the python API, you can set configure to False.