
Using the CLI

By default, authentication is enabled, reading in configuration settings from config.toml. The path to this configuration can be found by running hop configure locate. One can initialize this configuration with default settings by running hop configure setup. To disable authentication in the CLI client, one can run --no-auth.

Publish messages

hop publish kafka://hostname:port/gcn -f CIRCULAR example.gcn3

Example messages are provided in tests/data including:

  • A GCN circular (example.gcn3)

  • A VOEvent (example_voevent.xml)

Consume messages

hop subscribe kafka://hostname:port/gcn -s EARLIEST

This will read messages from the gcn topic from the earliest offset and read messages until an end of stream (EOS) is received.

Using the Python API

Publish messages

Using the python API, we can publish various types of messages, including structured messages such as GCN Circulars and VOEvents:

from hop import stream
from hop.models import GCNCircular

# read in a GCN circular
with open("path/to/circular.gcn3", "r") as f:
    circular = GCNCircular.load(f)

with stream.open("kafka://hostname:port/topic", "w") as s:

In addition, we can also publish unstructured messages as long as they are JSON serializable:

from hop import stream

with stream.open("kafka://hostname:port/topic", "w") as s:
    s.write({"my": "message"})

By default, authentication is enabled for the Hop broker, reading in configuration settings from config.toml. In order to modify various authentication options, one can configure a Stream instance and pass in an Auth instance with credentials:

from hop import Stream
from hop.auth import Auth

auth = Auth("my-username", "my-password")
stream = Stream(auth=auth)

with stream.open("kafka://hostname:port/topic", "w") as s:
    s.write({"my": "message"})

To explicitly disable authentication, one can set auth to False.

Consume messages

One can consume messages through the python API as follows:

from hop import stream

with stream.open("kafka://hostname:port/topic", "r") as s:
    for message in s:

This will listen to the Hop broker, listening to new messages and printing them to stdout as they arrive until there are no more messages in the stream. By default, this will only process new messages since the connection was opened. The start_at option lets you control where in the stream you can start listening from. For example, if you’d like to listen to all messages stored in a topic, you can do:

from hop import stream
from hop.io import StartPosition

stream = Stream(start_at=StartPosition.EARLIEST)

with stream.open("kafka://hostname:port/topic", "r") as s:
    for message in s: