Source code for

from dataclasses import dataclass
from functools import lru_cache
from enum import Enum
import json
import logging
import random
import string
from typing import List, Tuple, Union
import warnings

import confluent_kafka
import pluggy

from adc import consumer, errors, kafka, producer

from .configure import get_config_path
from .auth import Auth
from .auth import load_auth
from .auth import select_matching_auth
from . import models
from . import plugins

logger = logging.getLogger("hop")

StartPosition = consumer.ConsumerStartPosition

[docs]class Stream(object): """Defines an event stream. Sets up defaults used within the client so that when a stream connection is opened, it will use defaults specified here. Args: auth: A `bool` or :class:`Auth <hop.auth.Auth>` instance. Defaults to loading from :meth:`auth.load_auth <hop.auth.load_auth>` if set to True. To disable authentication, set to False. start_at: The message offset to start at in read mode. Defaults to LATEST. until_eos: Whether to listen to new messages forever (False) or stop when EOS is received in read mode (True). Defaults to False. """ def __init__(self, auth=True, start_at=StartPosition.LATEST, until_eos=False): self._auth = [auth] if isinstance(auth, Auth) else auth self.start_at = start_at self.until_eos = until_eos @property @lru_cache(maxsize=1) def auth(self): # configuration is disabled in adc-streaming by passing None, # so to provide a nicer interface, we allow boolean flags as well. # this also explicitly gets around a problem in setting # configuration to True by default in the convenience class `stream` # which is set to `Stream()`. instead, configuration is first loaded # during the first open stream and cached for future use. if isinstance(self._auth, bool): if self._auth: try: return load_auth() except FileNotFoundError: logger.error( "configuration set to True and configuration file " f"not found at {get_config_path('auth')} to authenticate" ) raise else: return None else: return self._auth
[docs] def open(self, url, mode="r", group_id=None, **kwargs): """Opens a connection to an event stream. Args: url: Sets the broker URL to connect to. mode: Read ('r') or write ('w') from the stream. group_id: The consumer group ID from which to read. Generated automatically if not specified. Returns: An open connection to the client, either a :class:`Producer` instance in write mode or a :class:`Consumer` instance in read mode. Raises: ValueError: If the mode is not set to read/write, if more than one topic is specified in write mode, or if more than one broker is specified """ username, broker_addresses, topics = kafka.parse_kafka_url(url) if len(broker_addresses) > 1: raise ValueError("Multiple broker addresses are not supported") logger.debug("connecting to addresses=%s username=%s topics=%s", broker_addresses, group_id, topics) if topics is None: raise ValueError("no topic(s) specified in kafka URL") if self.auth is not None: credential = select_matching_auth(self.auth, broker_addresses[0], username) else: credential = None if mode == "w": if len(topics) != 1: raise ValueError("must specify exactly one topic in write mode") if group_id is not None: warnings.warn("group ID has no effect when opening a stream in write mode") return Producer(broker_addresses, topics[0], auth=credential, **kwargs) elif mode == "r": if group_id is None: username = credential.username if credential is not None else None group_id = _generate_group_id(username, 10)"group ID not specified, generating a random group ID: {group_id}") return Consumer( group_id, broker_addresses, topics, start_at=self.start_at, auth=credential, read_forever=not self.until_eos, **kwargs, ) else: raise ValueError("mode must be either 'w' or 'r'")
def _load_deserializer_plugins(): """Load all registered deserializer plugins. """ # set up plugin manager manager = pluggy.PluginManager("hop") manager.add_hookspecs(plugins) # load in base models manager.register(models) # load external models try: manager.load_setuptools_entrypoints("hop_plugin") except Exception: logger.warning( "Could not load external message plugins as one or more plugins " "generated errors upon import. to fix this issue, uninstall or fix " "any problematic plugins that are currently installed." ) import sys import traceback traceback.print_exc(file=sys.stderr) # add all registered plugins to registry registered = {} for model_plugins in manager.hook.get_models(): for name, model in model_plugins.items(): plugin_name = name.upper() if plugin_name in registered: logger.warning( f"Identified duplicate message plugin {plugin_name} registered under " "the same name. this may cause unexpected behavior when using this " "message format." ) registered[plugin_name] = model return registered class _DeserializerMixin: @classmethod def deserialize(cls, message): """Deserialize a stream message and instantiate a model. Args: message: A serialized message. Returns: A data container corresponding to the format in the serialized message. Raises: ValueError: If the message is incorrectly formatted or if the message format is not recognized. """ try: format = message["format"].upper() content = message["content"] except (KeyError, TypeError): raise ValueError("Message is incorrectly formatted") else: if format == return content elif format in cls.__members__: return cls[format].value(**content) else: logger.warning(f"Message format {format} not recognized, returning a Blob") return models.Blob(content=content, missing_schema=True) def load(self, input_): return self.value.load(input_) def load_file(self, input_file): return self.value.load_file(input_file) Deserializer = Enum( "Deserializer", _load_deserializer_plugins(), module=__name__, type=_DeserializerMixin ) def _generate_group_id(user, n): """Generate a random Kafka group ID. Args: user: Username associated with the credential being used n: Length of randomly generated string suffix. Returns: The generated group ID. """ alphanum = string.ascii_uppercase + string.digits rand_str = ''.join(random.SystemRandom().choice(alphanum) for _ in range(n)) if user is None: return rand_str return '-'.join((user, rand_str))
[docs]@dataclass(frozen=True) class Metadata: """Broker-specific metadata that accompanies a consumed message. """ topic: str partition: int offset: int timestamp: int key: Union[str, bytes] headers: List[Tuple[str, bytes]] _raw: confluent_kafka.Message @classmethod def from_message(cls, msg: confluent_kafka.Message) -> 'Metadata': return cls( topic=msg.topic(), partition=msg.partition(), offset=msg.offset(), timestamp=msg.timestamp()[1], key=msg.key(), headers=msg.headers(), _raw=msg, )
[docs]class Consumer: """ An event stream opened for reading one or more topics. Instances of this class should be obtained from :meth:``. """ def __init__(self, group_id, broker_addresses, topics, **kwargs): """ Args: group_id: The Kafka consumer group to join for reading messages. broker_addresses: The list of bootstrap Kafka broker URLs. topics: The list of names of topics to which to subscribe. read_forever: If true, keep the stream open to wait for more messages after reading the last currently available message. start_at: The position in the topic stream at which to start reading, specified as a StartPosition object. auth: An adc.auth.SASLAuth object specifying client authentication to use. error_callback: A callback which will be called with any confluent_kafka.KafkaError objects produced representing internal Kafka errors. offset_commit_interval: A datetime.timedelta specifying how often to report progress to Kafka. :meta private: """"connecting to kafka://{','.join(broker_addresses)}") self._consumer = consumer.Consumer(consumer.ConsumerConfig( broker_urls=broker_addresses, group_id=group_id, **kwargs, ))"subscribing to topics: {topics}") self._consumer.subscribe(topics)
[docs] def read(self, metadata=False, autocommit=True, **kwargs): """Read messages from a stream. Args: metadata: Whether to receive message metadata alongside messages. autocommit: Whether messages are automatically marked as handled via `mark_done` when the next message is yielded. Defaults to True. batch_size: The number of messages to request from Kafka at a time. Lower numbers can give lower latency, while higher numbers will be more efficient, but may add latency. batch_timeout: The period of time to wait to get a full batch of messages from Kafka. Similar to batch_size, lower numbers can reduce latency while higher numbers can be more efficient at the cost of greater latency. If specified, this argument should be a datetime.timedelta object. """"processing messages from stream") for message in, **kwargs): yield self._unpack(message, metadata=metadata)"finished processing messages")
@staticmethod def _unpack(message, metadata=False): """Deserialize and unpack messages. Args: message: The message to deserialize and unpack. metadata: Whether to receive message metadata alongside messages. """ payload = json.loads(message.value().decode("utf-8")) payload = Deserializer.deserialize(payload) if metadata: return (payload, Metadata.from_message(message)) else: return payload
[docs] def mark_done(self, metadata): """Mark a message as fully-processed. Args: metadata: A Metadata instance containing broker-specific metadata. """ self._consumer.mark_done(metadata._raw)
[docs] def close(self): """End all subscriptions and shut down. """"closing connection") self._consumer.close()
def __iter__(self): yield from def __enter__(self): return self def __exit__(self, *exc): self.close()
[docs]class Producer: """ An event stream opened for writing to a topic. Instances of this class should be obtained from :meth:``. """ def __init__(self, broker_addresses, topic, **kwargs): """ Args: broker_addresses: The list of bootstrap Kafka broker URLs. topic: The name of the topic to which to write. auth: An adc.auth.SASLAuth object specifying client authentication to use. error_callback: A callback which will be called with any confluent_kafka.KafkaError objects produced representing internal Kafka errors. produce_timeout: A datetime.timedelta object specifying the maximum time to wait for a message to be sent to Kafka. If zero, sending will never time out. :meta private: """"connecting to kafka://{','.join(broker_addresses)}") self._producer = producer.Producer(producer.ProducerConfig( broker_urls=broker_addresses, topic=topic, **kwargs, ))"publishing to topic: {topic}")
[docs] def write(self, message, headers=None, delivery_callback=errors.raise_delivery_errors): """Write messages to a stream. Args: message: The message to write. headers: Any headers to attach to the message, either as a dictionary mapping strings to strings, or as a list of 2-tuples of strings. delivery_callback: A callback which will be called when each message is either delivered or permenantly fails to be delivered. """ self._producer.write(self._pack(message), headers=headers, delivery_callback=delivery_callback)
@staticmethod def _pack(message): """Pack and serialize messages. Args: message: The message to pack and serialize. :meta private: """ try: payload = message.serialize() except AttributeError: payload = {"format": "blob", "content": message} try: return json.dumps(payload).encode("utf-8") except TypeError: raise TypeError("Unable to pack a message of type " + message.__class__.__name__ + " which cannot be serialized to JSON")
[docs] def close(self): """Wait for enqueued messages to be written and shut down. """"closing connection") return self._producer.close()
def __enter__(self): return self def __exit__(self, *exc): self.close() return self._producer.__exit__(*exc)
[docs]def list_topics(url: str, auth: Union[bool, Auth] = True): """List the accessible topics on the Kafka broker referred to by url. Args: url: The Kafka broker URL. Only one broker may be specified. Topics may be specified, in which case only topics in the intersection of the set specified by the URL and actually present on the broker will be returned. If a userinfo component is present in the URL and auth is True, it will be treated as a hint to the automatic auth lookup. auth: A `bool` or :class:`Auth <hop.auth.Auth>` instance. Defaults to loading from :meth:`auth.load_auth <hop.auth.load_auth>` if set to True. To disable authentication, set to False. If a username is specified as part of url but auth is a :class:`Auth <hop.auth.Auth>` instance the url information will be ignored. Returns: A dictionary mapping topic names to :class:`confluent_kafka.admin.TopicMetadata` instances. Raises: ValueError: If more than one broker is specified. """ username, broker_addresses, query_topics = kafka.parse_kafka_url(url) if len(broker_addresses) > 1: raise ValueError("Multiple broker addresses are not supported") user_auth = None if auth is True: credentials = load_auth() user_auth = select_matching_auth(credentials, broker_addresses[0], username) elif auth is not False: user_auth = auth group_id = _generate_group_id(username, 10) config = { "bootstrap.servers": ",".join(broker_addresses), "error_cb": errors.log_client_errors, "": group_id, } if user_auth is not None: config.update(user_auth()) consumer = confluent_kafka.Consumer(config) valid_topics = {} if query_topics is not None: for topic in query_topics: topic_data = consumer.list_topics(topic=topic).topics for topic in topic_data.keys(): if topic_data[topic].error is None: valid_topics[topic] = topic_data[topic] else: topic_data = consumer.list_topics().topics valid_topics = {t: d for t, d in topic_data.items() if d.error is None} return valid_topics